Monday 8 April 2013

naming my magazine

one name i was considering for the masthead of my music magazine is 'treble clef' this is because the treble clef is a universal sign of music that everyone can relate to and understand. also it fits in well with the classic rock genre as so many notes and different variations occur in classic rock. however i decided against naming my magazine this as it seems like too much of an old name and suits more classical music.

Another title i was considering for my music magazine 'E.A.D.G.B.E'. the reason for this is that those are the 6 strings on a guitar in order and therefore makes good sense for a music magazine. However i decided against using this name as not everyone would understand the name and therefore may not associate it with a music magazine.

The name i have decided upon for my music magazine is 'Decades' this is because i believe it is the name that best suits my genre of classic rock as well as being simple and easy to remember.

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