Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My music magazine represents my particular social group/audience in a positive way. To do this I made sure that my magazine would be bright and clean. This was done to stray away from any moody or sinister connotations that  may come from having a darker magazine house style such as Kerrang.
In addition to this I also made sure that my magazine would be well structured and organised. To achieve this  I tried to limit as much overlap of texts and images as possible and in turn representing my audience/ social group as mature and grown up.
In addition going back to the house style of my magazine the colour scheme I have used throughout my product is black, white and red. I chosen these colours as they are associated with newspapers and therefore reflects positively on my social group/ target audience as it shows them as smart and insightful.

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