Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the preliminary task i feel that i have improved on my picture editing on Photoshop which aided me greatly in my final product.
Also i have learnt the importance of the placement of different factors of a magazine as from preliminary to final product it is apparent that my final product looks more professional due to everything being in the right place.
Also I have learnt that more does not mean better as with my final product i went for a more basic and cleaner look as opposed to my preliminary task where even though the same i feel as if there was an overwhelming amount of colour.
Also from preliminary task to final product i have learnt how to take a better picture thanks to a greater understanding of framing and the rule of thirds my final magazine product image looks far more natural and professional.

Also in relation to my contents pages i have learnt to include more information due to my research of magazines.
Also i learned how to use images more effectively on a contents such as to show where a main article is like i done on my final product.
Also i learned the importance of having a house style on my magazine this includes having the same clour scheme and fonts transferring from page to page.

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