Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the preliminary task i feel that i have improved on my picture editing on Photoshop which aided me greatly in my final product.
Also i have learnt the importance of the placement of different factors of a magazine as from preliminary to final product it is apparent that my final product looks more professional due to everything being in the right place.
Also I have learnt that more does not mean better as with my final product i went for a more basic and cleaner look as opposed to my preliminary task where even though the same i feel as if there was an overwhelming amount of colour.
Also from preliminary task to final product i have learnt how to take a better picture thanks to a greater understanding of framing and the rule of thirds my final magazine product image looks far more natural and professional.

Also in relation to my contents pages i have learnt to include more information due to my research of magazines.
Also i learned how to use images more effectively on a contents such as to show where a main article is like i done on my final product.
Also i learned the importance of having a house style on my magazine this includes having the same clour scheme and fonts transferring from page to page.

Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of constructing my product I have learnt many things about different programs.
The main program I have learnt about during this process is Adobe Photoshop cs5  Going into this task I did not know how to use Adobe Photoshop cs5 at all and now after finishing my product I now feel comfortable and confident when using it. Some of the tools I learnt about and used during the construction of my product on Adobe Photoshop cs5 are the quick select tool, polygamic tool, clone stamp, and spot heal as well as all the image adjustment options.
Another program I have learnt about during the process of constructing my product is Microsoft Publisher. Unlike Adobe Photoshop cs5 i had some knowledge of how you use Microsoft Publisher going into this project. Something I learnt however whilst constructing my product was how to use the margins option to help me organise my magazine to make it neater as well as using it to create my mock ups for my the preliminary task and final task.

Evaluation question 4/5

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As previously described in my 'target audience' post my ideal consumer would be either boy or girl aged between 16-25 with a open view on all genres of music but with a bias towards classic rock such as the Who, Beatles, Kinks e.t.c.
The target audience for my music magazine would spend the majority of their time staying out with friend and attending gigs and music festivals.

How did you attract/address your audience

First of all I attracted my target audience by having a neutral colour scheme/ house style of red, white and black. These colours are not strictly associated with either gender like other such as pink or blue and therefore both genders will feel comfortable with purchasing my product in a shop.
Also with regards to the age of my target audience I have addressed this by having a clean, neat layout of the cover page with few puffs and additional advertisements on the page. This so the magazine looks more mature and therefore more appealing to my older target audience.
As my target audience has a open view for all music I have addressed this on my contents page by having a band index like NME. This is so the consumer has a wide variety of artist to choose from to read about and not being restricted in one style of music.
As my target audience wishes to spend the majority of there spare time attending gigs and festivals i have also addressed this on my contents page by having a gig guide section so that the consumer once purchased the magazine can have all relevant information for whatever music event that they have interest in attending.