Monday 11 February 2013


an ideology is the set of beleifs behind a piece of media for example for example on a schools newsletter showeing images of happy children the ideology behindmay be that the school cares for the well being of its students.

i will introduce several new ideologies in my schools newsletter here are some i have come up with already:
- Deyes High school cares about it pupils
-Deyes High school provides a proffessional working environment
-Deyes High School has a strong set of moral values
-Deyes High School is always looking towards modernising
-Deyes High School has a strong anto bullying mentallity
-Deyes High school is committed to being competitive academically

For the newsletter i am going to make my ideology clearly illustrated. one way in which i will do this is with the overall layout of the newsletter. I am going to make the layout very neat and organised to show the ideology of the school having a professional working enrivonment.

another way in which i will illustrate the ideology in my newsletter is with an image of last years GCSE and A-level results this is to show that the school is committed to its achievment.

Another way in which i will illustrate my ideology in the newsletter is with a well wprded description of new technologies that the school has introduced as well as some images e.g. Ipads to show that the school is committed to be modern.

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