Monday 4 February 2013

Deyes High News Letter Review

The font of this newsletter is Calbri (body) in size 14. this is a sensible choice of text as it is formal, neat, easy to read and stands out well on the blank background. The house stlye colour which is used throughout the letter is blue and red this is the colour schme of Deyes High so show it is professional and official.

The text is entered throughout the page and shows order and structure as oppsed to being all over the place, There is not an extensive use of images on this newsletter just 1 or two on each page, this is to make sure there is enough room for text to be placed and the images just being complimentary to portray each topic. 

The target audience for this newsletter varies as it is in a very formal manner and is very informative which suggests that it is aimed at parents, however the use of images and easy to consume text suggest that this newslatter may also be aimed at students and young adults.

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