Monday 25 February 2013

Deyes High Newsletter (Mock)

This is my Deyes High Newsletter. I have based the layout of this front cover on the same conventions of a music magazine. This is what i am going to aim for in the fianl production of the newsletter
This is my conetents page mock up for the deyes high newsletter. again the layout of this page is based heavily around the same conventions of a music magazine.

Friday 22 February 2013


Semiotics is the study of signs. a sign is someting that stands for something other than itself

Ferdinand deSausure's (1857-1913) dyadic semiotic system .concluded that not only is a sign psychological but also that the structure of a sign is made up of a signifier(the form of the sign). and the the signified whic is what is being reprsented by the signifier.

Charles Sander Pierce's (1839-1914) tryadic semiotic system. concludes that a sign is one of three things.
1.INDEX, is not a subjective signifier but is connected to the signfied. for example smoke may represent fire yet does not mean fire.
2.ICON, has a signifier that does resemble the signified for example an image of a tree shows a tree but is not an actual tree
3.SYMBOL,  is conventional suchas letters and numbers

I will consider semiotics when creating my magazine as if i use the wrong combination of colours font and images i may depict a differant image to the audience that is far from the one that i am setting out to create. i am thinking of creating a folk/rock magazine which means i should stick with more natural colours as opposed to darker colours.

Friday 15 February 2013

Moral Panic Theory

 Cohen says that within the media, particular groups are negativley portrayed as a 'threat' to society's norms and values as well as society on the whole thus causing a moral painc amogst the public.This panic causes ther public to turn turn on these selected groups as labells them as 'folk devils'. Key examples of this today is the way that magazines and newspapers produced by the government has turned the public against immigration and in the past against the black community by labelling them as rapists, theifs, and murderers.

Star Theory

Richard Dyer claimed that a 'star' is an image/ illusion created soley for the audience, not a real person. They are merely just objects used to sell a particular image to an audience based on the strength of their beliefs and image. The 'star image' is based on 2 paradoxes; they must be both ordinary and extraordinary, and they must be simultaneously present and absent. This has been argued to be one of the most influencial factors of creating a successful magazine.

Male Gaze Theory

The Male Gaze theory was created in 1975 by a British Film feminist called Laura Mulvey. It was created because at thye time feminists saw the majority of media outputs as a product of a male dominated order.
She stated the cinema audiences look at films in 2 ways; voyeuristically and fetishistically. This lead to two key effects. The 'objectification of females' and the 'narcissistic identification' of the ideal image on the screen. Her theory confirmed that the media objectifies women and is used to satisfy the male population by making women 'objects of desire for their visual pleasure'.  

Monday 11 February 2013


an ideology is the set of beleifs behind a piece of media for example for example on a schools newsletter showeing images of happy children the ideology behindmay be that the school cares for the well being of its students.

i will introduce several new ideologies in my schools newsletter here are some i have come up with already:
- Deyes High school cares about it pupils
-Deyes High school provides a proffessional working environment
-Deyes High School has a strong set of moral values
-Deyes High School is always looking towards modernising
-Deyes High School has a strong anto bullying mentallity
-Deyes High school is committed to being competitive academically

For the newsletter i am going to make my ideology clearly illustrated. one way in which i will do this is with the overall layout of the newsletter. I am going to make the layout very neat and organised to show the ideology of the school having a professional working enrivonment.

another way in which i will illustrate the ideology in my newsletter is with an image of last years GCSE and A-level results this is to show that the school is committed to its achievment.

Another way in which i will illustrate my ideology in the newsletter is with a well wprded description of new technologies that the school has introduced as well as some images e.g. Ipads to show that the school is committed to be modern.

Monday 4 February 2013

Deyes High News Letter Review

The font of this newsletter is Calbri (body) in size 14. this is a sensible choice of text as it is formal, neat, easy to read and stands out well on the blank background. The house stlye colour which is used throughout the letter is blue and red this is the colour schme of Deyes High so show it is professional and official.

The text is entered throughout the page and shows order and structure as oppsed to being all over the place, There is not an extensive use of images on this newsletter just 1 or two on each page, this is to make sure there is enough room for text to be placed and the images just being complimentary to portray each topic. 

The target audience for this newsletter varies as it is in a very formal manner and is very informative which suggests that it is aimed at parents, however the use of images and easy to consume text suggest that this newslatter may also be aimed at students and young adults.