Monday 4 March 2013

Thursdays photshoot

Here are some examples of some of the pictures that i taken during my thusday photoshoot. Out of these three images my first impression is to go with photo 3 for my Deyes High School Newsletter. This is because the people in the image are in a more natural pose as opposed to picture two where one of them is looking directly at the camera and image one where both participants are looking away from eachother. However i will still edit picture 3 by cropping the image to minimalise excess surroundings to emphasise on the students and also i will try to brighten up the image in areas to remove shadows.

On this ocasion form my thursday photoshoot i only taken one picture of the new school building. this is because i think this image is perfect for the front of my newsletter with the building being well centered in the frame and ideal lighting with minimal shadows.

Here are some pictures from my thursday photshoot to show teacher dedication in deyes high school. out of the two images my first impression is to go with image one this is because it has the teacher depicted with a student which i feel shows the message i am trying to give in a more clear way than picture 2.

These are some pictures from my thusday photoshoot for one of my storylines of the canteen being closed for construction. my intial thoughts is to user image one as image two is too blury. However image one strill has imperfections such as the child in the far left of the image. this is a good opportunioty to use photoshop to remove the child from the picture. Also i may consider adding the missing letter from the sign in photoshop but this may take away the feeling of the canteen being in construction .

There are still some images i will want to get such as pictures with younger memebers of the school as well as images of students working in the library.

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