Monday 25 March 2013

Music magazine photoshoot plan

Location: Liverpool town centre

Time: night time

shots: two shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, high angle shots, low angle shots,

models: joe westall, max schoffield, scott greenwood, sean faye, jamie williams

Effect: black & white

Genre: classic rock

Clothes: leather jackets & jeans plain t-shirt


target audience

My music magazine is going to be aimed at both males and females but will have a slight bias towards males.
My ideal reader will be aged between 16-24, student and an avid music fan.
My ideal audience will have a open view and appreciation on all genres of music but will be focused around mostly classic rocxk such as the beatles, kinks, and the who.
My ideal reader will be be from a working class background and i will price my magazine accordingly.
My ideal reader will spend the majority of their free time going out with friends, playing video games, and attending music festivals.
In terms of fashion my ideal reader will not care too much for branded clothes but rather opt for finding their own unique style.

initial idea

My intial thoughts for my music magazineis to do a classic rock magazine. this means my articles with be featured to band simlar to the who, beatles, kinks ans so on. to be properly prepared for this task i will do further resaerch into the classic rock audience i will do this by purchasing nme magazine and mojo magazine however i will also look into other music genres magazine to find similar conventions amongst all music magazines to make sure i dont miss anything out

deyes high contents page

This is the final product of my deyes higfh newsletter contents page again i stuck with the colour scheme of the front cover which is the deyes high red/blue combination. but i feel as if the page is too blank and the writing is to informal. these issues however will be corrected on my music magazine though.

deyes High front cover

This is my finished product for the deyes high newsletter front cover. I got my inspirtion for this newsletter from other school newsletters that i have looked at previously. The main thing i tried to emphasise on with this front cover is to stick with the same colour scheme throughout to make it look proferssional and also to keep this colour scheme going onto the other pages. With this front cover i could of improved by putting more text onto it as it looks far ro basic for my liking. also i could of done a better job of squaring up the boxes to avoid uneccersarty gaps. however i will avoid all of these issues when it comes to my music magazine final product.

Monday 11 March 2013

Picture editing 4

On this image i adjusted the brightness of the image to make the picture more clear and minmalise shadows. Then i toned down the contrast of the picture to keep it looking natural.

Picture editing 3

On this is image i simply cropped the student out of the picture. i did not edit the lgihting in this picture

Picture editing 2

As you can see from image one to image two i have used the clone stamp tool to clear the ground of all tire marks and grids. in addition to this i also used teh spot healing brush to clear the ground of alll clutter and to remove a can from the bottom left hand side of the builing in image one. Also i done minor adjustments to the lighting in this picture by increasing both the contrast and brightness slighty to make the colours stand out a little more whilst still looking natural however i aslo used the curve tool on adjustments to further edit the brightness and contrasrt to assure the image appeared more natural.

Picture editing 1

As you can see i have manipulated this image to remove the minor imperfections on the faces of the students within the image such as spots and wrinkles using the spot healing brush. also i used the crop tool to remove thew shadow of myself from the image at the bottom as well as neatening up the image on the whole. In addition i also used the clone stamp to clean the floor to create a nicer atmosphere in the image.

Monday 4 March 2013

Monday photoshoot

Thursdays photshoot

Here are some examples of some of the pictures that i taken during my thusday photoshoot. Out of these three images my first impression is to go with photo 3 for my Deyes High School Newsletter. This is because the people in the image are in a more natural pose as opposed to picture two where one of them is looking directly at the camera and image one where both participants are looking away from eachother. However i will still edit picture 3 by cropping the image to minimalise excess surroundings to emphasise on the students and also i will try to brighten up the image in areas to remove shadows.

On this ocasion form my thursday photoshoot i only taken one picture of the new school building. this is because i think this image is perfect for the front of my newsletter with the building being well centered in the frame and ideal lighting with minimal shadows.

Here are some pictures from my thursday photshoot to show teacher dedication in deyes high school. out of the two images my first impression is to go with image one this is because it has the teacher depicted with a student which i feel shows the message i am trying to give in a more clear way than picture 2.

These are some pictures from my thusday photoshoot for one of my storylines of the canteen being closed for construction. my intial thoughts is to user image one as image two is too blury. However image one strill has imperfections such as the child in the far left of the image. this is a good opportunioty to use photoshop to remove the child from the picture. Also i may consider adding the missing letter from the sign in photoshop but this may take away the feeling of the canteen being in construction .

There are still some images i will want to get such as pictures with younger memebers of the school as well as images of students working in the library.